Chen Dake Academician of CAS

Academician of CAS; physical oceanographer; doctor of Stony Brook University; the first group of National Special Expert of “Thousand Talents Program”; researcher of the State Key Laboratory of Satellite Ocean Environment Dynamics.

Prof. Chen Dake has been engaged in basic researches of physical oceanography and has made important contributions in areas of offshore, ocean and climate researches. Systematic and creative contributions have been made in the predictability of El Nino and mechanism and effect of ocean mixing. He served twice as chief scientist of National‘973’ Program, presided over many important foundation programs and served as academic leader in innovation research group of National Natural Science Foundation of China.
Prof. Chen Dake worked at many important international academic organizations and journals, served as committee member of department of geosciences of National Natural Science Foundation of China and the International Cooperation Expert Consultation Committee. He wrote multiple national-level strategic research reports independently or by working with other people and made substantial contributions to discipline construction and development of physical oceanography.