Nutrient Footprint: From the origin of Kuroshio to the East China Sea


报告题目:Nutrient Footprint: From the origin of Kuroshio to the East China Sea

报告人:陈镇东 教授(台湾中山大学)

召集人:白雁 研究员

会议时间:2023年4月4日 14:30-16:00


报告人简介:陈镇东,卫星海洋环境动力学国家重点实验室“高端访问海星学者”。1977年博士毕业于美国迈阿密大学,后赴俄勒冈大学担任海洋学院助理教授、副教授,并于1984年返回台湾中山大学任教,先后担任海洋地质学研究所教授兼所长、海洋科学学院教授兼院长,2019年起受聘为特约研究讲座教授。陈镇东教授担任海洋生物地球化学与生态系统整合研究计划(IMBeR)咨询委员会专家,曾任国际地圈生物圈计划 (IGBP) 副主席及多项国际学术组织学术委员,并于2022年入选为美国地球物理联盟会会士 (AGU Fellow) 。

报告摘要:Traditionally, in marine sciences, the term "nutrient" has been applied almost exclusively to nitrogen, phosphorus, and silicon, although minor elements, such as iron, also play an essential role. The primary processes influencing nutrient concentrations in the oceans are the geophysical and biogeochemical processes which control the addition of these elements to seawater and are responsible for their dispersion and removal. The internal movements of nutrients within the oceans are enormous compared with the terrestrial inputs. Take one of the most productive regions of the world's oceans, the East China Sea(ECS), as an example; Numerous studies have reported biological productivity on the ECS shelf and related these activities to nutrients. There are five external sources of nutrients for the ECS, namely the Kuroshio, Taiwan Strait, rivers, submarine groundwater discharge, and the atmosphere. It is generally accepted that the Kuroshio subsurface waters are the primary source of nutrients for the ECS. Yet, exactly which part of the Kuroshio provides nutrients to the ECS and the transformation of the related water masses after the Kuroshio receives input from the South China Sea(SCS) is unclear. Here we trace the macronutrients from the source of the Kuroshio east of the Philippines to the ECS continental shelf. It is found that the thermocline and the nutricline on the western side of the Kuroshio shoal several hundred meters after the outflow of the SCS join the Kuroshio in the northern Luzon Channel. As a result, it becomes easier for the nutrient-rich subsurface Kuroshio waters to upwell onto the ECS shelf.